

I notice sometimes how you say things easily to other people. I wish I were them. I wish things remained the same.
Today you are distant as distance. I could do almost anything to listen to your voice, that mad laughter- again! Perhaps you too wait for me or someone else- someone from the past walking back into your life.
I wish I could tear the veil and reach out to you and tell you that nothing can be perfect. We will have our lapses- you, I, everyone. Yet I feel even today it would have been worth it.
Deleting all online footmarks, blocking out virtual usernames is hardly the way to forget someone. You can not forget me, I can neither forget you. Then why are we trying?



The quieter it grows, the faster the wind blows, I think of the times when you were here. When I could call you, listen to your voice, your sighs, your thoughts. I still hear your thoughts sometimes, in my mind- or in my dreams. I hear you calling me and saying "let it be. let us be as we were." And then I know I was only listening to my own thoughts.

flickering tempers

Summer's sun drowns behind veils of smoke, cigarettes seldom outlast our conversations near the old fort- we, who are young, are blessed... to vile away summer afternoons this way in sad songs.
I am seeking to rehabilitate myself- I hope the curse is over. I am rejuvenated, I will re-live...
One summer afternoon I hope, we'll finally meet.